Discounts and benefits available exclusively for Teamster families.
The IBT has proudly endorsed Teamster Privilege - a package that offers benefits and services for you and your family. Because of the strength of Teamster membership, as a Teamster member you are eligible for deals on products and services that the general public cannot get.
The Teamster Privilege program offers benefits that extend above the benefits negotiated with your employer under your Teamster contract. These benefits are available to you and our family for as long as you are a union member.
Some of the benefits you could enjoy include the following:
- Teamster Privilege Life and Accident Insurance
- Teamster Privilege Retiree Health Insurance and Discounts
- Teamster Privilege Credit Card and Union SAFE
- Teamster Privilege Credit Counseling Program
- Teamster Privilege Auto, Homeowners and Renters Insurance
- Teamster Privilege Vacations
- Teamster Privilege AT&T Wireless Services
- Avis: 800-698-5685 (IDB723700)
- Hertz: 800-654-2200 (ID 205666)
- Budget: 800-455-2848 (IDV816100)
- Flowers: 888-667-7779
- Computers: 877-882-3355 (ID PS16626766)
- Union Made Checks: 888-864-6625
- Moving Van Discounts: 800-234-1159
- Legal Services: 888-993-8886
The Local Union has a supply of the Teamster Privilege packets on hand. If you would like a packet, stop in to see us anytime, or if you wish, contact the Local Union Hall and we will mail you one.
For more information about the Teamsters or Teamster Privilege, visit